Happy Birthday Your Majesty. Ninety is a great age to reach. Many do not. The British Gazette will join with it’s many readers in…
If all else fails, there's always New Zealand! One of the things that Comrade Corbyn should be aware of is that the wealthy and financially mobile residents of…
A report on what has happened today Tuesday 19th April, 2016. Today’s article is late. With very good reason. Your Editor has only just got back into this universe as the…
Intelligence in government: The Chameleon meets with HM The Queen. Some British Gazette readers have their doubts about the competence of the present government. Herewith details of a meeting with…
No Exit; and no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. The other day a little bird alighted on my window ledge. As it looked for little scraps to eat, the…
Binding one's successor. Above, the Trojan Horse, the vehicle used in that most famous of surprise military strikes! Today, our dearly beloved Comrade…
EU propaganda? What should I do? Answer: Send it to your Chief Constable. It is evidence of TREASON! Today, your Editor has received the leaflet organised by the Chameleon. Since this is evidence of TREASON I have done…
The UK 2016: It's official! Christians are to be persecuted! Again! Above, Victoria Wasteney. Victoria Wasteney a senior occupational therapist employed by East London NHS Foundation Trust, was accused by her…
UKIP Party Election (Local) Broadcast 7th April 2016 Above UKIP’s local election party election broadcast that was screened this evening on ITV at 18:25 HRS and on BBC…
Stop the Genocide. The British Gazette unhesitatingly and unreservedly supports this campaign and would urge its readers to do so and sign their…