News from the front line: St Just-in-Penwith. St Just-in-Penwith is the nearest town to Land’s End. Last night at Cape Cornwall secondary school UKIP’s candidate Graham Calderwood…
UKIP's 2015 Manifesto: An anathema to Europhile traitors and climate change swindlers. It is no doubt fitting that on this day 15th April, 769 AD, when the Lateran Council condemned the Council…
Workers of Britain! Listen to the Dear Tory Leader! It seems that the pressure of the campaign has sent Delusional Dave over the edge. Wishing to protect the members…
David Cameron: “I feel broody near babies.” Getting in touch with his feminine side no doubt! The magazine “Attitude” is described by Wikipedia as a “British gay lifestyle magazine.” The day of the androgynous politician has…
Remembering Pilate's actions. Above, a painting of Pontius Pilate by Giotto di Bondone in 1305. This is NOT a sermon. There will be…
Wind Turbines: A dramatic development. Readers of this organ will know that we have been a fierce critic of wind turbines – and still are.…
Nicola Sturgeon: Wanting (and getting) jam on it! The news yesterday that Nicola Sturgeon has decided to add electoral reform to her long list of demands – demonstrates…
Whipping boys wanted: Labour's English PPC's? Yet again, the British Gazette returns to the subject of what Labour’s leaders would do in the situation where they…
Germanwings flight 4U9525: Doing nothing? We all greeted the news of the crash of Germanwings flight 4U9525 with saddness. We all greeted the news that…
Don't Panic!!!! We're all Doomed!!!! Yesterday those British Gazette readers watching Prime Minister’s Questions will have been witness to a Most Extraordinary Spectacle. This General…