Hearkening to the sirens calls? Above, Odysseus and the Sirens by Herbert James Draper, c. 1909. In previous articles, this organ has made certain assumptions:…
A week to go: The gallows await! “Now cold despair To livid paleness turns the glowing red; His blood, scarce liquid, creeps within his veins; Like water…
News from the front line: The Shekinah Centre, Penzance. At 6.30pm on Friday, 24th April, 2015, Graham Calderwood entered the lion’s den again. This time it was the hustings…
Anzac Day: Remembering the fallen. Today at the cenotaph in Whitehall HM Queen Elizabeth II led the nation in commemorating Anzac Day, a commemoration observed…
No austerity please. We're Scottish! “Depend upon it Sir, when a man knows he is to be hanged in a fortnight, it concentrates his mind…
Labour's Last Stand: Gordon of Cairn Gorm. Like Major-General Gordon, Labour’s Major General Gordon Brown seems set for glorious defeat at the hands of Scotland’s very own…
Earth Day 2015: Humanity needs an INCREASE in CO2! Today would you believe it Dear Reader is Earth Day! The UN demands that we think about the Planet Earth…
What are we NOT seeing?????????????????? Today’s Google doodle is most apposite for today’s article. Imagine that the three aliens are Messrs. Cameron, Clegg and Miliband.…
Lloyds Bank Group: Cameron's share sale and BBC bias. Declaration of interest: The Editor owns a beneficial shareholding in Lloyds Bank. Lloyds Bank has been in the news again.…
Nowodhow dhyworth y'n tal linen: Hellys (News from the front line: Helston) As promised, Dear Reader, today’s article is a report on the “Friends of the Earth Hustings” at Council Chambers, Guildhall,…