Siôn Jenkins: a man who fell between two traitors. That arch traitor Justice Secretary Kenneth Clarke should have turned down Mr. Siôn Jenkins’s claim for compensation for his time…
Miss Tasmin Kahn: a young woman betrayed. Above is Miss Tasmin Kahn. This attractive young lady will be familiar to those of us who look at the…
Mr. Denis Leadbetter: A man insulted. Readers will recall that the British Gazette has voiced concerns vis-à-vis insurance companies refusing to insure those with criminal records…
Peter and Jacqueline Redikin: a pair of white crows? The very happy couple above are Mr & Mrs. Redikin of Cheadle in Cheshire. Mr. Redikin had the good fortune…
Black man speak with forked tongue! Many who were born in the 1950s and whose parents owned a TV (nowhere as common then as today) may…
Colin the Rabbit: victim of a horrific, vile and sadistic attack. British Gazette readers will recall the recent articles: Raymond Elliot: Should he have eaten the evidence? (21st July) which described…
Ian Huntley: A duty of care. The news that the man convicted of the murders of Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman in 2003 is to sue…
SOMETHING TO FEAR Derek Bennett has kindly given us permission to reproduce the lead article of the Eurorealist as a British Gazette article,…
The Conservative Liberal Democrat coalition: its true colour: MUSH The excellent and patriotic editor of the Eurorealist, Derek Bennett has, in the August edition, coined a new phrase for…